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What Is Zipping And Zapping In Advertising Nicibere


for zipping: to change the channel when the commercials are starting zapping: to change the channel during the commercials although the first phrase is the dominant term used to describe the behavior in both television and radio, the second term is more frequent in the literature to describe a viewer's behavior. Most advertisers use . Rationale: Although the average viewer may not consciously intend to zap, people often instinctively react to commercial advertisements by changing the channel,  . Although TV commercials can be skipped as soon as they begin, most viewers have a preference for watching particular programs at certain times. Thus, one of the prime objectives of media planners and producers is to schedule their advertisements in a way that will avoid taking viewers away from their preferred programs. The term zapping is used to describe the practice of changing the channel to avoid commercial advertisements. Zapping behavior is more likely to occur when commercials are interspersed among programs and to involve stations with both national and local advertising. The increase in zapping during the 1980s may be due to the more frequent occurrence of such advertising. References Category:AdvertisingQ: Selenium Webdriver: Trying to unzip file I am trying to write a simple python script that unzips a file. Below is the python code I am trying to use to unzip the file: from selenium import webdriver import os #Start ChromeDriver driver = webdriver.Chrome() #Goto driver.get("") #Click Log In driver.find_element_by_id("gbqfq").click() #Get googleEmail email = driver.find_element_by_id("lst-ib").get_attribute("value") #Start unzip os.startfile('d:\', 'w') #Unzip #Get unzip.exe zip_file = 'D:\' unzip_exe = 'D:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7z.exe' #Start 7z os.startfile(zip_file, 'r') #Create Archive #Get Archive out_archive = ' ac619d1d87

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